Eating Disorders Awareness Week – Becoming Ordinary Vlog – Day 3


Those who haven’t suffered from an Eating Disorder find the concept I speak about in the following video difficult to understand – but those who are struggling or have struggled will immediately relate to what I’m talking about: Asking for Help is NOT a betrayal of your eating disorder!

It is essential that those who suffer understand that asking for help is the STRONG, BRAVEST thing they could ever do, as the eating disorder voice in their head is louder and more obnoxious than anything else coming from outside of them.  Encouragement, support, and constant confrontation of the bullying ED voice will help move the one who is sick towards taking steps toward health and ultimately happiness.

Again, please share – LET’S TALK ABOUT IT!

4 responses »

    • You have no idea the joy that I filled with when I hear that ONE MORE beautiful soul has recovered!!! I’ve never heard it expressed like that before: “been sober from it” – but that is exactly what it is – a form of addiction that needs to be treated as such! (ps thank you so much for your comment – I am just discovering it now. I always forget to look to see if someone has commented. For awhile I would look after I posted and no one was commenting so I stopped I guess! 🙂 )


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